Did you know?
When you shop with local merchants, more of your money stays close to home; supporting the parks, recreation centers, libraries and other things that make this community a great place to live.
Quote taken from : www.shoplocally.com
Local small business has long been regarded as the backbone our economy. They recycle more of the revenue received back into the local economy, helping communities grow in prosperity. Local businesses tend to have more fun character quirks than a national chain as well, just stop by our shop and see for yourself. The employees at the Grocery Outlet in West Sacramento each have their names on their shirts offering a more intimate shopping experience. Also, the owners of local businesses often are members of important community organizations such as the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, local school boards, or even hold positions on the City Councils.
We at Revolution Screening are focused and committed to being an active member in West Sacramento. We are proud to work with many local companies in West Sacramento and the surrounding areas and seek to build relationships with our clients rather than just push through transactions. Our long-term goal is to create several jobs offering livable wages and additional benefits.
We understand the importance of competitive pricing, quality product, and great personal customer service and we are confident to say that our pricing structures rival and often even beat our online competitors while offering high quality customer service. We've built a showroom where our clients can see, feel and even try on samples of clothing that they are interested in. We even refer clients to other local businesses for services that we are unable to provide.
Here is a link to a nice Top Ten list of why the author supports local businesses. Thanks for reading and we hope to hear from you!