Promotional Products and custom printed apparel is a huge multi-billion dollar business worldwide. Whatever you like to call it - SWAG, freebies, giveaways - logo'd goods are a great way to advertise a business or create excitement for an event or organization. Our business is to provide the companies, organizations, schools, etc. with a quality product at quality pricing. It is difficult sometimes, however, to remain competitive on pricing within such a saturated market that is more and more being dominated by multi-national corporate powerhouses.
Revolution Screening built its business model with the local community in mind. We want to take back the local business from the "Wal-Marts" of the Promotional Product industry (VistaPrint, 4imprint to name a couple). These companies sell based on the concept of basement level pricing. They offer some products at steep discounts, sometimes even running at break even pricing, advertise these products to get you in the door. Believe it or not we can often match pricing on these websites for items they do not discount heavily for marketing purposes. Aside from prices, however, we strive to offer personal service that an online conglomerate cannot match. We are involved in our community and are proud of working with so many quality local companies. We try to help spread word for our clients within our network about events or milestones that they achieve. We really want to be an active partner, not just an order taker.
Revolution Screening is always looking to improve our service and expand our product offerings while offering competitive prices and a unique shopping experience. We are your one-stop shop to outfit your organization with custom printed goods. We can print T shirts, banners, coffee cups, pens, and many more items and have them all ready for pickup in one spot. We will help you find items that would work for your business or special event. Let us show you why we are changing the way people think of and purchase their custom printed items.